Results for ' De Greene'

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  1.  44
    The Suicide of Western Capitalistic Democracy: Can it happen? Is it happening?Kenyon de Greene - 1990 - World Futures 30 (1):17-40.
  2.  31
    Evolutionary policy contexts and policies in preparation for the twenty-first century.Kenyon de Greene - 1995 - World Futures 44 (2):77-100.
  3.  25
    Six French Poets of Our Time.Maryann De Julio & Robert W. Greene - 1980 - Substance 9 (3):99.
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  4. Brevis Summa libri Physicorum, Summula Philosophiae Naturalis et Quaestiones in libros Physicorum Aristotelis — Expositio in libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Prologus et Libri I-III Libri IV-VIII.Guillelmi de Ockham, Stephanus Brown, Vladimirus Richter, Gerhardus Leibold, R. Wood & R. Green - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (1):134-135.
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    Phases of a Pandemic Surge: The Experience of an Ethics Service in New York City during COVID-19.Joseph J. Fins, Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, C. Ronald MacKenzie, Seth A. Waldman, Mary F. Chisholm, Jennifer E. Hersh, Zachary E. Shapiro, Joan M. Walker, Nicole Meredyth, Nekee Pandya, Douglas S. T. Green, Samantha F. Knowlton, Ezra Gabbay, Debjani Mukherjee & Barrie J. Huberman - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):219-227.
    When the COVID-19 surge hit New York City hospitals, the Division of Medical Ethics at Weill Cornell Medical College, and our affiliated ethics consultation services, faced waves of ethical issues sweeping forward with intensity and urgency. In this article, we describe our experience over an eight-week period (16 March through 10 May 2020), and describe three types of services: clinical ethics consultation (CEC); service practice communications/interventions (SPCI); and organizational ethics advisement (OEA). We tell this narrative through the prism of time, (...)
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    Antonin ArtaudAntonin Artaud, Man of VisionAntonin Artaud, Poet without Words.Sanche de Gramont, Eric Sellin, Bettina Knapp & Naomi Greene - 1971 - Diacritics 1 (2):21.
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    Leslie Green.Leslie Green - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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    Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the Society.John Greene, Robert Multhauf, Arnold Thackray, George Basalla & Derek de Solla Price - 1975 - Isis 66:442-482.
  9. Germaine de Staël and the Politics of Taste.Karen Green - 2020 - In Karl Axelsson, Camilla Flodin & Mattias Pirholt (eds.), Beyond Autonomy in Eighteenth-Century British and German Aesthetics. New York: Routledge. pp. 201–13.
    At first glance, Germaine de Staël and Immanuel Kant evince strikingly different attitudes to aesthetic judgment. Yet she promoted Kant's aesthetics and philosophy. This paper examines both Staël's early literary works and her later De l'Allemagne in order to tease out the relationship between their aesthetic theories.
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    Virtue Ethics and the Origins of Feminism: the Case of Christine de Pizan.Karen Green - 2019 - In Eileen O’Neill & Marcy P. Lascano (eds.), Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought. Springer, NM 87747, USA: Springer. pp. 261–79.
    This paper argues that modern virtue ethics provides a useful background against which to read the philosophical import of Christine de Pizan’s works. By recognizing the origins of much of her thought in the Medieval tradition of virtue ethics, the paper brings out the continuity between her writing and a rich stream of contemporary ethical debate. It shows how Christine’s strand of feminism was deeply indebted to Medieval virtue ethics; both as found in Boethius and in contemporary compilations on the (...)
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  11.  33
    Free as a Bird: Varro De Re Rustica 3.Carin M. C. Green - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):427-448.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Free as a Bird: Varro De Re Rustica 3C. M. C. GreenMarcus terentius varro is a most difficult writer to assess. The very high regard in which he was held by the greatest writers of his—or any—time is supported by a fragmentary structure made up of a mass of tantalizing titles, excerpts, and allusions gathered from later authors, the reflection of his Res Divinae in Augustine, the extant books (...)
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    El originalismo de la enmienda decimocuarta.Jamal Greene - 2013 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 38:143-190.
    Este ensayo aborda el curioso desdén que muchos originalistas muestran respecto de la Enmienda Decimocuarta a la Constitución estadounidense. De acuerdo a las premisas teóricas originalistas, el análisis del texto, la historia y la estructura de esta Enmienda deberían ocupar un lugar central en las discusiones sobre derechos incorporados, acción afirmativa y federalismo; sin embargo, en estas discusiones los originalistas la minimizan, como lo hacen, en general, con el período de la Reconstrucción. El artículo sugiere que tanto la Enmienda como (...)
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  13. Simone de Beauvoir and French Feminism.Karen Green - unknown
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    Simone de Beauvoir.Karen Green - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Tracing her intellectual development from her university years, when she was trained in a Cartesian and neo-Kantian philosophical tradition, to her final decade, during which she was recognised as having inspired the emerging strands of late twentieth-century feminism, Beauvoir is shown to have been among the most influential philosophical voices of the mid twentieth century. Countering the recent trend to read her in isolation from Sartre, she is shown to have both adopted, adapted, and influenced his philosophy, most importantly through (...)
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  15. On the nature of the evolutionary process: The correspondence between Theodosius Dobzhansky and John C. Greene[REVIEW]John C. Greene & Michael Ruse - 1996 - Biology and Philosophy 11 (4):445-491.
    This is the correspondence (1959–1969), on the nature of the evolutionary process, between the biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky and the historian John C. Greene.
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  16. The Miroir des Dames, the Chapelet des Vertus, and Christine de Pizan’s sources.Karen Green - 2021 - In Clare Monagle (ed.), Intellectual Dynamism in the High Middle Ages. pp. 279–96.
    Examines the relationship between the Chapelet des vertues which has been claimed to be a source for Christine de Pizan's Epistre Othea and argues that the direction of influence was in the other direction.
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    Fabio Ruggiero : Tertulliano, De Corona. Pp. liv+184. Milan: Mondadori, 1992. Paper, L. 12,000.R. P. H. Green - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (1):213-213.
  18.  73
    El concepto de posicionalidad. Introducción a la filosofia de Helmuth Plessner.Marjorie Greene - 1966 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 22:39-61.
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    Virtue Ethics and the Origins of Feminism: The Case of Christine de Pizan.Karen Green - 2019 - In Eileen O’Neill & Marcy P. Lascano (eds.), Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought. Springer, NM 87747, USA: Springer. pp. 261-279.
    The aims of this chapter are threefold. The first is to outline the importance of the tradition of virtue ethics for the origins of feminist thought. The second is to suggest a fertile avenue for the philosophical exploration of the works of late medieval and early modern women writers by considering the works of Christine de Pizan. The last aim of this chapter is to contribute to the emerging field of the history of women’s ideas in which female philosophers are (...)
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    Philosophical Haiku: Joseph de Maistre.Terence Green - 2023 - Philosophy Now 154:35-35.
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    An Introduction to the Logical Treatise 'de Obligationibus'; with Critical Texts of William of Sherwood and Walter Burley.Romuald Green - 1963 - Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium: Catholic University of Louvain.
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    (1 other version)Construire une collection, représenter l’immigration : La Cité nationale de l’Histoire de l’immigration.Nancy L. Green - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 61 (3):, [ p.].
    Revenant sur les prémisses mêmes de la Cité nationale de l’Histoire de l’immigration , Nancy L. Green retrace la politique entourant le projet ainsi que le choix du bâtiment. Contestée depuis le début dans le fond comme dans la forme, la CNHI doit affronter le problème de ses origines et sa tentative de renverser la symbolique de la colonisation par une reconnaissance de l’immigration, elle-même sujette à des définitions multiples. Passant en revue différentes « options » dans la représentation des (...)
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    The design and evaluation of interactive systems with perceived social intelligence: five challenges. [REVIEW]William Green & Boris de Ruyter - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (2):203-210.
    This paper reflects on discussions within the Social Intelligence for Tele-healthcare (SIFT) project. The SIFT project aims to establish a model of social intelligence, to support the user-centred design of social intelligence in interactive systems. The conceptual background of social intelligence for the SIFT project is presented. Five challenges identified for the design of socially aware interactions are described, and their implications are discussed.
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  24. From Le Miroir des dames to Le Livre des trois vertus.Karen Green - 2011 - In Karen Green & Mews Constant J. (eds.), Virtue Ethics for Women 1250-1550. Springer.
  25.  31
    De la musique en sociologie.Anne-Marie Green - 2006 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cherche à mettre en évidence les principes théoriques qui peuvent être au fondement de toute recherche ou réflexion en sociologie de la musique.
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    La musique du Moyen 'ge. Théophile GéroldHistoire de la musique des origines à la fin du XIVe siècle.Henry Greene - 1938 - Isis 28 (2):494-502.
  27. Radulphus Brito: Commentary on Boethius’ De differentiis topicis & The Sophism ”Omnis homo est omnis homo”.Niels Green-Pedersen & Jan Pinborg - 1978 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 26:1-121.
  28. How and what we can learn from fiction.Mitchell Green - 2007 - In Garry Hagberg & Walter Jost (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Literature. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 350–366.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Literature, Fiction, and Truth Literary Cognitivism Thought Experiments Genres Learning by Supposing De se Suppositions.
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  29. Isolated individual or member of a Feminine Courtly Community? Christine de Pizan’s milieu.Karen Green - 2011 - In Constant J. Mews & Crossley John (eds.), Communities of Learning: Networks and the Shaping of Intellectual Identity in Europe 1100-1500. Brepols Publishers.
  30.  6
    The Book of Peace.Karen Green, Constant Mews & Janice Pinder (eds.) - 2008 - University Park: Pennsylvania University Press.
    Christine de Pizan, one of the earliest known women authors, wrote the Livre de paix (Book of Peace) between 1412 and 1414, a period of severe corruption and civil unrest in her native France. The book offered Pizan a platform from which to expound her views on contemporary politics and to put forth a strict moral code to which she believed all governments should aspire. The text's intended recipient was the dauphin, Louis of Guyenne; Christine felt that Louis had the (...)
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  31.  14
    Joan of Arc and Christine de Pizan’s Ditié.Karen Green - 2021 - Lanham, MD 20706, USA: Lexington.
    Grounded in a close reading of the records of Joan's trial and rehabilitation, on the early letters announcing her arrival at Chinon, and on three literary works; Christine de Pizan's Ditié, Martin le Franc's Le Champion des dames, and Alain Chartier's, Traité de l’Esperance, this controversial work argues that serious historians should accept that Joan was trained. It proposes that she was identified and taught how to behave in the expectation of the fulfillment of the Charlemagne Prophecy and other prophecies (...)
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  32.  27
    Walter Burley's "De Consequentes.": An Edition.Niels Jørgen Green-Pedersen - 1980 - Franciscan Studies 40 (1):102-166.
  33. Ethical Reflections on Artificial Intelligence.Brian Patrick Green - 2018 - Scientia et Fides 6 (2):9-31.
    Artificial Intelligence technology presents a multitude of ethical concerns, many of which are being actively considered by organizations ranging from small groups in civil society to large corporations and governments. However, it also presents ethical concerns which are not being actively considered. This paper presents a broad overview of twelve topics in ethics in AI, including function, transparency, evil use, good use, bias, unemployment, socio-economic inequality, moral automation and human de-skilling, robot consciousness and rights, dependency, social-psychological effects, and spiritual effects. (...)
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    A proximidade entre gênio e loucura: um estudo sobre a estética de Schopenhauer.Samuel Green - 2012 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 3 (1 e 2):224.
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    L. Morisi : Alcimi Aviti De Mundi Initio . Pp. 146. Bologna: Patron, 1996. Paper, L. 19,000. ISBN: 88-555-2376-7.R. P. H. Green - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):198-199.
  36.  22
    Logical Fictions in Medieval Literature and Philosophy.Virginie Greene - 2014 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, new ways of storytelling and inventing fictions appeared in the French-speaking areas of Europe. This new art still influences our global culture of fiction. Virginie Greene explores the relationship between fiction and the development of neo-Aristotelian logic during this period through a close examination of seminal literary and philosophical texts by major medieval authors, such as Anselm of Canterbury, Abélard, and Chrétien de Troyes. This study of Old French logical fictions encourages a broader (...)
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  37.  29
    Women's Reception of Kant, 1790–1810.Karen Green - 2023 - Journal of the History of Ideas 84 (2):263-285.
    Abstract:This article contributes to the re-evaluation of narratives in the history of ideas that have failed to consider women's writings. The laudatory assessment of Kant as a philosophical innovator promoted by Germaine de Staël is questioned and his moral epistemology examined in relation to that of Elise Reimarus, Catharine Cockburn, Catharine Macaulay, and Isabelle de Charrière. The moral and political philosophies of the first three, grounded in natural law, are used to undermine Staël's claim that Kant's moral philosophy offers a (...)
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  38.  21
    Longus, Antiphon, and the topography of Lesbos.Peter Green - 1982 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 102:210-214.
    SinceDaphnis and Chloeis a work of fiction, modern criticism has paid little attention to the topographical details of Lesbos which Longus scatters through his work. Today a preoccupation with biographical or topographical realism in literature is out of fashion, and Longus's world has in any case been described, by one of his most percipient modern critics, as ‘un monde des plus irréels’. Yet just as Longus's women reveal a striking blend of fictional romance and social realism, so the background to (...)
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  39. Isolated individual or member of a Feminine Courtly Community? Christine de Pizan’s milieu.Karen Green - 2011 - In Constant J. Mews & Crossley John (eds.), Communities of Learning: Networks and the Shaping of Intellectual Identity in Europe 1100-1500. Brepols Publishers.
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    Christine de pisan and Thomas Hobbes.Karen Green - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (177):456-475.
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    Re‐Imagining the Philosophical Conversation.Karen Green - 2017 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick (eds.), Philosophy's Future. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 201–211.
    From its inception, philosophy has represented itself as a dialogue, or conversation, among those who are lovers of wisdom. It has also been largely a conversation among men. Diotima, the absent female presence, who teaches Socrates about love and philosophy, consigns the lovers of women to bodily reproduction, and associates men with the polis and invention of law. But the polis is composed of both women and men, and a truly progressive philosophy would be a conversation between them. Since at (...)
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  42.  83
    Instinct of Nature: Natural Law, Synderesis, and the Moral Sense.Robert A. Greene - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):173-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Instinct of Nature: Natural Law, Synderesis, and the Moral SenseRobert A. Greene“Instinct is a great matter.”—Sir John FalstaffThis essay traces the evolution of the meaning of the expression instinctus naturae in the discussion of the natural law from Justinian’s Digest through its association with synderesis to Francis Hutcheson’s theory of the moral sense. The introduction of instinctus naturae into Ulpian’s definition of the natural law by Isidore of (...)
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  43.  25
    Green Politics.Avner De-Shalit - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (1):371-372.
    Recent works on the historical sources of the environmental movement neglect environmental philosophy. They therefore fail to distinguish between two different currents of thought: ruralism - the romantic glorification of rural life; and environmentalism - a philosophy which is based on scientific information, anti-speciesism and respect for all organisms. These works, therefore, mistakenly identify 'political ecology' with right-wing ideologies.
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    Madeleine de Scudéry on love and the emergence of the "private sphere".Karen Green - 2009 - History of Political Thought 30 (2):272-85.
    Madeleine de Scudery played a previously unrecognized part in the development of modern ideas of married friendship, and the eighteenth-century version of the distinction between the public and private spheres, through the influence of her novels on the political views of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Her development of the notions of tender friendship and tender love between the sexes helped change the way in which married love was conceptualized. She transformed the chivalric idea that women rule men through love, by making it (...)
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  45.  32
    Leora AUSLANDER. Taste and power : furnishing modern France. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996. 495 p.Nancy L. Green - 2000 - Clio 11:39-39.
    Le goût s'apprend. Il est une construction sociale qui vient tantôt d'« en haut » tantôt d'« en bas ». Il est aussi affaire de pouvoir et de médiateurs culturels, de « professionnels du goût » (taste professionals) comme Leora Auslander le met si bien en évidence dans son analyse de l'ameublement français de la Cour de Louis XIV au tournant du XXe siècle. La chaise, le fauteuil, la commode sont autant d'objets qui prennent un nouveau sens à la lecture (...)
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  46.  71
    Business Ethics as a Postmodern Phenomenon.Ronald M. Green - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (3):219-225.
    This paper contends that work in business ethics participates in two key aspects of the broad philosophical and aesthetic movement known as postmodernism. First, Iike postmodernists generally, business ethicists reject the “grand narratives” of historical and conceptual justification, especially the narratives embodied in Marxism and Mitton Friedman’s vision of unfettered capitalism. Second, both in the methods and content of their work, business ethicists share postmodernism’s “de-centering” of perspective and discovery of “otherness,” “difference” and marginality as valid modes of approach to (...)
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  47.  65
    Women's Writing and the Early Modern Genre Wars.Karen Green - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):499-515.
    This paper explores two phases of the early modern genre wars. The first was fought by Marie de Gournay, in her “Preface” to Montaigne's Essays, on behalf of her adoptive father and in defense of his naked and masculine prose. The second was fought half a century later by Nicholas Boileau in opposition to Gournay's feminizing successor, Madeleine de Scudéry. In this debate Gournay's position is egalitarian, whereas Scudéry's approximates to a feminism of difference. It is claimed that both female (...)
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  48.  48
    Sartre, Sexuality, and The Second Sex.Naomi Greene - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (2):199-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Naomi Greene SARTRE, SEXUALITY, AND THE SECOND SEX Few would deny that Simone de Beauvoir's analysis of female sexuality plays a very important role in her book The Second Sex, widely regarded as one of the key works of modern feminist thought. At the same time, it is precisely her view of sexuality, and many of the conclusions it gives rise to concerning female behavior, which constitute some (...)
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  49. De Sade, de Beauvoir and Dworkin.Karen Green - unknown
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  50.  21
    Healing the Body Politic: the political thought of Christine de Pizan.Karen Green & Constant Mews (eds.) - 2005 - Turnhout: Brepols.
    The essays in this collection focus on Christine as a political writer and provide an important resource for those wishing to understand her political thought. They locate her political writing in the late medieval tradition, discussing her indebtedness to Aristotle, Aquinas and Augustine as well as her transformations of their thought. They also illuminate Christines political epistemology her understanding of political wisdom as a part of theology, the knowledge of God. New light is thrown on the circumstances which prompted Christine (...)
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